
From farm to fork game
From farm to fork game

from farm to fork game

Try a cooking local or farm to table class or camp.

from farm to fork game

Erica at What Do We Do All Day shares 5 activities for kids to do at the Farmer’s Market.

from farm to fork game

It’s also a wonderful opportunity to teach kids why you prioritize buying locally. When you return home and eat the food you just bought from a farmer, it cements the farm to table learning. Don’t you? It’s a great way to see what veggies and fruits are in season as well as sample (and buy) delicious foods. Involve your children in preparing delicious, fresh produce recipes. Either works to provide your family with fresh, seasonal, locally grown produce. We’ve done both a pick it up food cooperative and delivery one. Get your kids involved in using your garden harvest - try making recipes such as pesto, salsa, veggie sticks, pickles, zoodles, or salads. (Alternatively, plant a garden in a nearby community garden.) See ideas for gardening with kids on Pinterest. Starting with seeds, growing plants, and harvest produce, children learn so much about foods by planting and cultivating a backyard garden. This is one of the best ways to introduce your children to the “farm” part of farm to table. So, there are fun ways to educate kids about the origins of their food, how food is processed (or not), the benefits of buying local food, nutrition, and healthy eating. Kids like mine, that live in the city, often don’t know where their food comes from before it appears on their plates. You’ve heard about the farm to table movement but have you introduced it to your kids? Try one or more of these fun farm to tale activities to get started.

From farm to fork game